All the Comforts of Home For Your Pets

Monday, April 18, 2011

Staff News

The Paws and Kisses family is undergoing both change and growth (in more ways than one)...

Sarah Murrell, one of our dedicated staff members, is due to deliver her own (human) baby in just 3 weeks.  We congratulate her and wish her the best of luck with her very first non-fur baby!  Sarah says she will miss the PAK clients and plans on coming back to work on a limited basis in a couple of months, or sooner, if all goes well.

We welcome a new staff member, Mary Anne Elliott (known as Mae) to the PAK staff.  Mae will not only be taking over Sarah's sits, but also helping us with new clients, as PAK continues to grow.  If you ask anyone who knows Mae, they will tell you they call her the 'dog lady'.  This is not only because she has a dozen of her own dogs, but also because of her experience with rescue dogs, both fostering those who need homes, and volunteering at a number of area animal shelters.  Mae says that she loves working with dogs and when the opportunity arises she attends seminars and lectures pertaining to dog behavior and training. She has been doing dog rescue since 1998.  She is a past board member of the rescue group, "For the Love of Dog". She still volunteers with this group, which focuses on Rotties and Pit Bulls.   Mae currently volunteers with the New Haven Animal Shelter and is also a member of and involved with Bernese Mountain Dog rescue through the New England area club.  Mae is also a certified dog trainer.  She uses her skills to help teach volunteers at local animal shelters how to control and train the animals in their care.  Mae is also certified in Pet First Aid and CPR by the Pet Tech Institute.

We welcome Mae to the PAK staff and feel that she will be a huge asset the business.  As always, Mae will be thoroughly trained with each individual client prior to completing sits on her own.

If you are a current daily walk client and would like to meet Mae, please give us a call and we will arrange for her to visit with you and your pups.

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